Water Hygiene and Water Treatment
Dragonfly Water Consultancy
Legionella Consultancy
We are able to help Dutyholders and Service Providers fulfil their legal obligations under the Legislation for legionella control.
Dutyholders remain liable for outsourced tasks - we can help you maintain compliance.
Service Providers are being identified by HSE as contributing to Dutyholders failures. We can help you ensure your procedures are robust and help protect you from prosecution.
Closed Water Systems
We are able to help Designers, Constructors and Operators commission and maintain closed systems.
Independent advice, witnessing and site management assistance to ensure systems are designed, precommission cleaned and maintained in good condition for long efficient life.
Poorly managed and maintained closed water systems cost building owners and managing agents millions each year.
Legionella Training
Training is one of the essential elements of competence. We deliver legionella training courses tailored for our clients. Popular topics to cover include:
Legionella awareness
The role of the RP and Dutyholder
Landlord responsibilities
Legionella risk assessment
Written scheme writing
Practical sampling techniques
Practical monitoring techniques
Closed System Training
There has been a fall in the level of competence in technical closed water system management. Many water treatment providers are delivering a poor quality service for lack of good quality training.
End users of water treatment Service Providers often are unaware of the shortfall until it is too late.
We deliver tailored training to water treatment Service Providers and end users. ​